Network Wiring Standards

Published: October 11th, 2004

Category: Memos

Tim Fitzpatrick, Director, Computing and Networking Services

In times past, departments made repairs and renovations to the network infrastructure inside their buildings. Such work involved pulling copper wires and sometimes fiber optic cables, and typically was done by in-house department staff.

Computing and Networking Services (CNS) is tasked with stewardship of the University’s Network Infrastructure as well as the standards by which this infrastructure is installed. Design, installation, repair, and renovation of the core network infrastructure (between buildings) are the responsibility of CNS. We use in-house CNS staff or bid the work to outside pre-approved contractors.

Repair and renovation of the local network infrastructure (within buildings) remains the responsibility of local units. Colleges and departments may use their own in-house staff or outside contractors. In either case, University-wide networking standards must be followed. ITAC approves and CNS promotes, supports and enforces these standards to assure quality, consistency, and compatibility end-to-end. These standards can be found at .

CNS no longer provides in-building wiring services for a fee. However, we have identified a list of pre-qualified wiring contractors and are happy to assist units in preparing specifications for bid, vendor selection, work management, and inspection, all at no charge. The list of pre-qualified wiring contractors can be found at . These contractors have met strict qualifications requirements for low-voltage cabling installation and have demonstrated the ability to understand and follow UF Telecommunications Standards. Low voltage cable installation must be performed by one of the pre-qualified low-voltage contractors to ensure the adherence to UF Standards.

Colleges and Departments planning to make major changes or upgrades to their local network infrastructure must notify CNS for review and approval of their plans, and subsequently for inspection of the completed work. Request for assistance or inspection to network infrastructure can be made by visiting and clicking on the service request link on the right hand side of the page.

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