A&P and USPS Employee Handbook

Published: July 12th, 1995

Category: Memos

Jack Heidler, Director, University Personnel Services

It’s time to distribute the long-awaited A&P and USPS Employee Handbook! This revised handbook provides information for both A&P and USPS employees in a fashion we hope you will find comprehensive yet easy to understand. I am pleased to provide you with an advanced copy of this handbook and look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions about it.

In order to ensure that all A&P and USPS employees receive a copy of the revised handbook, we are asking that a representative from each time-keeping location in your area contact the appropriate office listed below to coordinate acquiring handbooks for the employees within your purview of responsibilities.



Health Science Center
H-8 JHMHC, 392-3786
 All other areas of campus
IFAS Personnel (for example, E&G and Auxiliaries)
G025 McCarty, 392-4777          Please call Employee Relations
                                 317 Stadium West, 392-1072
Physical Plant Division
Rm. 106, Bldg. 702, 392-2333

The representative(s) you designate will be responsible for giving the handbooks to employees and obtaining their signatures and dates of receipt on distribution lists we have provided to each timekeeping location in your area via a copy of this memorandum. In the event, a USPS or A&P employee’s name is missing from the listing as a result of his or her being hired by your area after the listing was generated, please add the employee’s name and ensure that he or she receives a copy.

After the distribution process is completed, the list should be returned to your personnel satellite office, as listed above, or to Employee Relations, PO Box 115003.

Going forward, individuals who attend the new USPS employee orientation program will receive the handbook during that program. New A&P employees will receive the handbook in conjunction with their benefits information.

Thank you for your help in distributing the revised A&P and USPS Employee Handbook. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Employee Development at 392-4626. Again, I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and hope that this handbook is a useful tool for your college, department, or division.

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