Indonesia Travel Grant Program

Published: February 15th, 2012

Category: Memos

David Sammons, Ph.D., Dean, UF International Center


Under the sponsorship of the University of Florida International Center (UFIC), a fund is available to support UF student and faculty engagement with affiliated Indonesian universities with the goal of expanding collaborative activities that benefit UF and its Indonesian counterparts. Student grants will be available for students to engage in UF-initiated programs in Indonesia (e.g. studios, study tours, specialized courses), internships under the sponsorship of affiliated Indonesian universities, or mentored research projects. These can be credit or non-credit opportunities. Faculty grants will be available to establish and/or lead educational programs or initiate research projects.

The following Indonesian universities currently have formal affiliations with the University of Florida: (Additional affiliations are being developed and can be supported through this grant program when such affiliations are formalized.)

  • Institute of Technology Bandung (Bandung)
  • Bogor Institute of Agriculture (Bogor)
  • Hasannudin University (Makassar)
  • Sam Ratulangi University (Menado)
  • University of Mahasaraswati (Bali)


Available Travel Grants

For students, a maximum grant of $2,000 can be secured to support travel.  Eligible travel for students requires a minimum stay in Indonesia of 3 weeks.

A maximum travel grant of $3,000 is available for faculty to support planning or implementation of educational/research collaborations with affiliated Indonesian universities. For faculty, these can be short-term exploratory trips as well as longer stays in conjunction with a formal UF-initiated program. Both student and faculty proposals must indicate the source of additional financial support for their travel since these grants are not intended to fully cover the costs even for the shorter trips.

Application Procedure

To apply for funding support, students / faculty should submit the following to UFIC:

  • a formal letter requesting the funds for the work to be accomplished in Indonesia, including a brief description of the purpose and scope of the trip. Students should clearly show evidence that the proposed trip will fit into their academic program here on campus;
  • written evidence that the proposed trip is being done in conjunction with a UF-affiliated university in Indonesia (e.g. a letter or email message from the Indonesian university to confirm that the trip is under a current or proposed partnership with UF and that the traveler will be welcome on the campus of the affiliated institution);
  • a letter of approval from the department chair/school director (faculty) or academic advisor (student).


Post-travel Report

Successful applicants will have to complete a post-travel report to be submitted with travel receipts to secure reimbursement up to the approved level of support. All participants will have to comply with UF requirements to register their trip with UFIC ( ), in order to secure MEDEX coverage while abroad. Students will be required to purchase CISI health insurance through the UFIC.

Additional Support Available for Students

For UF students participating in a program/or research project with an affiliated Indonesian university which involves a stay of three months or more, additional in-country support is available through a program administered through the Indonesian Embassy in Washington. In-country support includes approximately $250 per month as well as a tuition waiver for courses taken through an affiliated Indonesian university. Applicants, whose travel proposal would potentially qualify for this additional support, will be advised at the time of submission of the proposal to UFIC on how to access this additional support.

Further Information and Application Submission

For more information, please contact Dr. David Sammons, Dean of the UF International Center, at or 273-1523.

Please submit applications for these funds to Dr. Susanne Hill, Executive Director, UF International Center at  or 273-1500.

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