Title IX Conference November 4-5, 2014
Paula Varnes Fussell, Vice President for Human Resource Services
Dave Kratzer, Vice President for Student Affairs
Over the past three years, colleges and universities have increased their focus on ensuring institutional responsiveness to sexual assaults on campus. Federal mandates have reinforced these efforts and ensured compliance with uniform standards throughout the country.
On November 4 and 5, 2014, the University of Florida will host a workshop to discuss effective institutional practices that go beyond compliance in order to support holistic and compassionate campus responses. The workshop is titled “The Integrated and Coordinated Approach to Sexual Misconduct: Understanding the Intersection of Title IX, the Clery Act and the Campus SaVE Act” and will feature former sex crime prosecutors and educators Gina Maisto Smith and Leslie M. Gomez of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, which represents colleges and universities throughout the country.
The program is ideal for legal affairs officers, student affairs officers, judicial affairs officers, campus safety and security personnel, sworn law enforcement officers, equal opportunity administrators, Title IX coordinators, human resources and senior administrators, and all administrators who hear appeals – in short, any administrator involved in the University of Florida’s response. Attendees may document their attendance and include the program in their campus Title IX records of education and training.
I encourage you to share this information with those in your department that could benefit from this program. There will be no charge to attend this training for any employee of the University of Florida or its direct support organizations or affiliates. For more information and to register, please visit the Institutional Equity and Diversity section of the HRS website at http://hr.ufl.edu/manager-resources/recruitment-staffing/institutional-equity-diversity/title-ix-conference/.
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