Workers’ Compensation Penalty Assessment Order
Jack Heidler, Director, University Personnel Services
On May 6, 1994, I sent out a memorandum to alert the university community to the possibility of penalty charges being assessed against the university if the Workers’ Compensation First Report of Injury or Illness forms were not filed timely. Well, possibility has become reality!
Effective October 9, l 995, the University of Florida will be assessed penalty charges (and in some cases interest charges), whenever a workers’ compensation claim is not received by the Division of Risk Management within seven calendar days of an accident. University procedures require that the department provide a completed First Report of Injury or Illness form to the university’s Workers’ Compensation office within four calendar days of an accident. The Workers’ Compensation office utilizes the remaining time to review the form for completeness and accuracy, resolve any questions with the department, and complete the required l3 week wage statement form. They then send the claim packet to the Division of Risk Management.
The penalty charges, which easily can exceed $500 per late filing, will be charged to the department budget of the injured employee. University Personnel Services will do everything in its power to expedite the filing process, including utilizing an overnight courier service to deliver the First Report of Injury or Illness forms to Risk Management. However, departments may help ensure that they will not be assessed these penalty and interest charges by completing the injury report forms as soon as an accident happens and expediting delivery of the form to our Workers’ Compensation Office, 432 Stadium West, Box 115008, in order to comply with the seven calendar-day time limit. The staff of the Workers’ Compensation Office is available to advise and assist your areas and may be contacted at 392-4940, Suncom 622-4940.
Remember: The completed form should not be held up in order to obtain the employee’s signature. If the employee is not available, complete the form, have the supervisor sign it, and immediately send it to the Workers’ Compensation Office. The department should keep the goldenrod copy and deliver/mail the employee the pink copy within three days of completing the form.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Henry Zunker, Manager, Workers’ Compensation Office, at 392-4940, or me at 392-1075.
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