Proposals to the Division of Sponsored Programs

Published: January 13th, 2016

Category: Memos

Dr. David P. Norton, Vice President for Research

The Office of Research strongly recommends that proposals be submitted to the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) at least 2 business days prior to the sponsor’s published deadline. This will provide DSP with sufficient time to secure all necessary internal approvals, and to identify any issues within the proposal materials that are inconsistent with the sponsor’s submission requirements that may result in the proposal being rejected by the sponsor without review.

For proposals submitted to DSP less than 2 days prior to the sponsor’s published deadline, this office will do everything it can to submit the application ahead of the deadline. However, in these cases DSP may not have sufficient time for complete technical proposal review relative to submission requirements, thus increasing the chance of rejection due to technical deficiency.

We are committed to serving the needs of the UF research community. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Please contact Stephanie Gray at 352-392-3516 or with any questions.

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