Student Tuition and Fees, Fall 1995

Published: July 6th, 1995

Category: Memos

John P. Kruczek, University Controller

This report is provided to inform faculty and staff of tuition and fees for Fall Semester, 1995. There are no changes in fees this year, 1995 fees are the same as 1994.


                         UNDERGRADUATE      GRADUATE         LAW
                            COURSES          COURSES        COURSES
                           0000-4999         5000-9999
                             1995              1995          1995

Matriculation Fee          $ 38.08            $ 87.53      $ 99.00
Building Fee                  2.32               2.32         2.32
Capital Improvement Trust
  Fund Fee                    2.44               2.44         2.44
Student Financial Aid         1.90               4.37         4.97
Activity and Service Fee      5.95               5.95         5.95
Athlectic Fee                 1.50               1.50         1.50
Health Fee                    4.64               4.64         4.64
Resident Tuition
Per Credit Hour              56.83             108.75       121.30

Non-Resident Fee            155.63             240.98       251.01
Non-Resident Student
  Financial Aid Fee           7.78             12.04        12.55
Non-Resident Tuition
Per Credit Hour             220.24             361.77       384.86

Medical, Dental, and Vetrinary Medicine students are assessed tuition and fees for the academic year which are payable in two installments, in the Fall and in the Spring.

The fee structure for Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Medicine students for Fall 1995 follows:

              MEDICAL                DENTAL        VETERINARY MEDICINE
                             PER TERM   PER YEAR   PER TERM   PER YEAR   PER TERM   PER YEAR
Matriculation Fee            $3,570.75  $7,141.50  $3,105.00  $6,210.00 $2,608.20  $5,216.40
Building Fee                     46.40      92.80      46.40      92.80     46.40      92.80
Capital Improvement Trust
   Fund Fee                      48.80      97.60      48.80      97.60     48.40      97.60
Student Financial Aid Fee       178.53     357.06     155.25     310.50    130.41     260.82
Activity and Service Fee        119.00     238.00     119.00     238.00    119.00     338.00
Athletic Fee                     30.00      60.00      30.00      60.00     30.00      60.00
Health Fee                       92.80     185.60      92.80     185.60     92.80     185.60

Resident Tuition             $4,086.28  $8,172.56  $3,597.25  $7,194.50 $3,075.61  $6,151.22
Non-Resident Fee             $6,190.23 $12,380.46  $5,382.81 $10,765.62 $4,521.56  $9,043.12
Non-Resident Student
   Financial Aid Fee            309.51     619.02     269.14     538.28    226.07     452.14
Non-Resident Tuition        $10,586.02 $21,172.04  $9,249.20 $18,498.40 $7,823.24 $15,646.48

A list of courses with Material and Supply Fees is published in the Fall 1995 Critical Dates and Information brochure which will be available in mid-August. If information is needed before then, please contact Patti Perkins, Accounting Coordinator, at 392-0765, to obtain the list.

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