Office Listings in the UF Campus Telephone Directory 1996-97

Published: May 13th, 1996

Category: Memos

Cindy McMillen & Cassie Chism, UF Directory Coordinators

We are gathering information now for the 1996-97 Campus Directory. We ask that you assist us by carefully reviewing your department or college listings in the 1995-96 Directory.

In the blue (front) pages please check all possible listings for your office or department and make corrections, additions, or deletions. It is very important that you check all possible cross listings. For example, the Center for Real Estate Research might be found under “CENTER,” “BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, COLLEGE OF,” and “REAL ESTATE.” Please send changes to: Campus Directory Changes, 141 Stadium, no later than June 14, 1996. Include a copy of all the page(s) your current listing(s) appears on from the 1995-96 Directory; mark the copy or copies to correspond with the corrected, typed version of your revised listings. Please include both mailing address (P.O. Box) and physical address (office No. bldg). The University’s Campus Mail Services deliver to P.O. Boxes, but hand-carried material requires a physical address.

To update or delete Retired Faculty and “Courtesy” listings, as well as listings for any other University-related persons who are not currently state-funded, contact us and we will send you the appropriate form which must be completed and returned.

Department & College Listings (blue pages) and Retired Faculty & Courtesy
News & Public Affairs
PO Box 115100 (141 Stadium)

For corrections to individual faculty and staff listings (white pages), fill out the enclosed form and return to Processing & Records, 429 Stadium. This would include, for example, requests to prevent unlisted telephone numbers from appearing in the UF Directory.

Faculty & Staff Listings (white pages)
Processing & Records
PO Box 115004 (429 Stadium)

Please include the name and phone number of the contact person in your area who handles Directory listings. If we do not hear from you by June 14, 1996, we will assume listings are correct.

For departments that have TDD (Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf) access, please submit the number of the TDD line to: ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Office, 31 Tigert Hall, 392-7056 (V/TDD).

Please contact Cassie or Cindy, at 392-9092, if you have any questions or need further information.

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