Customer Survey Results

Published: July 3rd, 1996

Category: Memos

David S. O’Brien, Director

I am pleased to provide to you the results of the 1996 Physical Plant Division (PPD) Customer Survey. They survey was sent to over 400 customers of PPD to evaluate the current level of customer satisfaction with PPD services, as well as identify specific problems and opportunities for improvement.

Results of the survey indicate that overall satisfaction with PPD services is at a 77% level. Satisfaction with individual PPD departments ranged from 58% to a high of 90%. Analysis of various aspects of performance across PPD departments revealed that you were most pleased with the courteousness shown by PPD staff and most concerned about cost/value of PPD services. Analysis of individual questions and comments revealed that the greatest opportunity for PPD to improve service exists in the areas of:

  • HVAC systems and environmental comfort
  • Cost/value of various PPD services
  • Dusting, windows, floors/carpets and restroom cleaning
  • Timely billing for utilities and telephone service
  • Customer contact, including notification of work completion

To address the above issues, a number of tactics are being employed. First, individual customers who requested personalized follow-up have received assistance from PPD staff. Second, managers in various PPD departments are tackling specific problems that were cited on individual surveys. Third, process improvements teams will be commissioned to improve the Estimation Process, the Billing Process and the Work Order Process over the next year. Fourth, the newly organized Systems Section at PPD has made improvement of environmental comfort for UF faculty, students and staff a top priority. Lastly, we are commited to evaluation our progress in each of the areas of concern through continued administration of the annual PPD Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Once again, I want to thank you for your participation in the 1996 PPD customer survey. Please call us at any time with questions, concerns or to request our service.

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