New Payment Process for Post- and Pre-doctoral Fellowships

Published: July 5th, 1996

Category: Memos

Gene Hemp

Effective with the pay period beginning August 9, 1996, the payments for all post- and pre-doctoral fellowships, except fellows with F-1 or J-1 immigration status, will change. They will be processed through the local University Financial Services system rather than being sent to the Bureau of State Payrolls. Because of reporting and withholding requirements, those fellows in F-1 or J-1 immigration status will continue to have their checks processed through the Bureau of State Payrolls.

This new process will be of benefit to the fellowship recipients since we can ensure that no FICA or withholding taxes are taken out the stipend payments and that income for fellowships is not reported on W-2’s. However, if a fellowship recipient owes funds to the university, these funds WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PAYMENT before the check is issued. The check will be mailed directly to the fellow rather than being sent to the department/unit for disbursement.

Attached, Instructions for Processing Fellowship Payments and Memorandum of Understanding, are instructions for this new process. Should you need further assistance, please call Rita Cowan or Kay Shipp, Academic Personnel Office (392-1251, SC 622-1251.)

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