FSC Seminar Schedule, (USPS Employees)
Pat Sivinski, FSC Manager
Enclosed are several copies of the USPS registration form for Faculty Support Center computer seminars for the Fall B term, 1996. Please make the forms available to the USPS employees in your department. Each person who enrolls in a seminar must submit a separate application. The forms may be duplicated as necessary.
The cost to the department varies. SAMAS classes are offered at no charge. Registrations cannot be completed until an encumbrance has been established to transfer funds from your department to pay for the courses. An authorized signature must also be obtained for each form.
Please call the Faculty Support renter at 392-7249 if you have any questions.
The Faculty Support Center offers SAMAS classes, sponsored by Administrative Affairs, that allow hands-on training in the state accounting system. Topics include encumbrance basics. vendor details, available balance inquiries, and SACN.
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