Extension of Annual Contract for IBM Microcomputers, Peripherals, Software and Accessories

Published: December 9th, 1996

Category: Memos

Donna Doty, Senior Purchasing Agent

University of Florida’s Invitation to Bid No. 95K-17YC has been extended with the vendor listed below for use by University of Florida Departments for an additional six month period to provide for economies in the purchases of prices and conditions set forth in this notice. The period of extension will be in effect from January 1, 1997 to June 30, 1997.

VENDOR:             AMERIDATA/GE Capital Information Technology Solutions
                    2207 NW 13TH STREET STE C
                    GAINESVILLE FL 32609

CONTACT: (VENDOR)   GREG BAIR, 352-371-6326, 800-634-0682
                    FAX # 352-371-6846

DELIVERY:           4-30 DAYS



All questions concerning this contract should be directed to the Purchasing Division, Bldg 465, Room 102, Radio Road, PO Box 115250, Attention: Donna Doty (352) 392-1331 Ext. 310.

SUPERSEDES: This Purchasing Notice supersedes Notice No. 97-146 which should be removed from your files and destroyed.


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