The First Annual Whitney Laboratory Lecture

Published: March 10th, 1997

Category: Memos

The First Annual Whitney Laboratory Lecture presents

Dr. Sydney Brenner

Director, the Molecular Sciences Institute, Inc.
La Jolla, CA

Comparative Genetics: New Ways of Studying Human Biology

How are the genes that define an organism regulated? Dr. Brenner, a world renowned pioneer in developmental genetics, addresses this fundamental issue using animals as diverse as nematode worms and pufferfish. His novel approach, which he calls composition genetics, offers an exciting avenue to understanding the enormous database being produced by the Human Genome Project.


Thursday, April 3, 1997
4:00 PM
Medical Sciences Building Auditorium
L-200 JHM Health Center
Enjoy coffee before the talk
3:30 in the Founders’ Gallery

Sponsored by the Trustees of the Whitney Laboratory

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