Undergraduate Research Database

Published: April 21st, 1997

Category: Memos

Sheila K. Dickison, Director

As many of you know, the Honors Program recently compiled a database of all research projects at the University of Florida that could involve undergraduate students. We publish this database on the World Wide Web so that all undergraduate students can have an easily accessible means to find projects that may be of interest to them. We understand that all research projects will not be suitable for undergraduate students; however, it is our hope that some researchers will find a need for undergraduate participants, even if in a small capacity. You can currently see the database at the following Web address:


If you have project you would like to list on the database or a project on the database you would like to update or delete, please complete the enclosed form.

Please pass this letter along to your colleagues in your department, along with a copy of the enclosed project information form. The form may be returned via campus mail, e-mail, or fax:

Honors Program
P.O. BOX 113260
Gainesville, FL 32611-3260

E-mail: research@honors.ufl.edu
Fax: 392-1888

We greatly appreciate your assistance in this effort. Please feel free to call the honors office at 392-1519 if you have any questions.



New Project _____  Update Project _____  REMOVE PROJECT _____
Research Project Information


Field of Research:____________________________________________________

Phone Number:_____________________

E-mail Address:_______________________________________________________

Project Description:__________________________________________________




Requirements for applicants:__________________________________________




Starting Date:________/________/________
Ending Date:________/________/________

Number of available academic year positions:________
Available summer positions:________
Please place a check in the appropriate column next to each statement:

                        Required        Available               Not Available

Independent Study         _____         _____                      _____

Work Study                _____         _____                      _____

Salary                    _____         _____                      _____

Volunteer                 _____         _____                      _____

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