Electronic Information Resource Requests (IRR)

Published: July 7th, 1997

Category: Memos

Gene Hemp, Vice Provost

To facilitate the completion and approval of IRR forms for the purchase of certain computing, networking and communications equipment, an electronic version of the IRR will become effective July 10, 1997.

Users of the electronic purchasing screens will notice a minor modification with the addition of a PF key to append an IRR form to the requisition when appropriate. This electronic IRR is to be completed along with the requisition to purchase and will be sent forward to me for approval when the purchase requisition is submitted. This will eliminate the need to walk IRRs through to me for signature.

We believe this enhancement will facilitate the completion of the IRR approval where it is required. Our appreciation goes to Purchasing and Information Systems for their cooperation and expertise in bringing this enhancement to you.

Please bring this memorandum to the attention of all persons in your college or department who are responsible for the purchase of computers, enhancement products and networking purchases.

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