1997 Call for Rulemaking

Published: August 26th, 1997

Category: Memos

Pamela J. Bernard, General Counsel

This is the 1997 call for rulemaking. If you or those in your units wish to make changes to University of Florida rules as found in the Florida Administrative Code, please submit to this office the proposed revisions with specific additions or deletions noted. The respective Vice President for the unit should approve the changes before they are sent to us. We will review the changes for legal form and sufficiency, as well as consistency with other BOR and university rules, place the changes in rule format, draft notices, economic impact statements, justifications, and other supporting documents. We will obtain final approvals from the President, Provost, Vice Provost and Vice Presidents. The timetable is as follows:

September 15 Deans, directors and department chairs must submit
proposed rule changes to the Office of the General Counsel
October 13 Send Notice of Rule Development Workshop to The Gainesville Sun
October 15 Publication in The Gainesville Sun of Notice of Rule Development Workshop
October 29 Rule Development Workshop (if requested)
November 4 Send Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to The Gainesville Sun
November 6 Publication in The Gainesville Sun of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
November 19 Publish Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in The Alligator
December 1 Public hearing (if requested)
December 15 Deadline for rules to be filed with the Department of State
January 5 Effective date

If you submit any proposed changes after September 15th, it is unlikely they will make the 1997 rulemaking cycle but we will include them in the 1998 cycle.

Please distribute this memorandum as appropriate to those in your units responsible for rulemaking.

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