Free (refurbished) Fax Machines
Emily J. Hamby, C.P.M., Director
Central Purchasing has just learned that a few Ricoh fax machines are being given to the State University System (SUS) for free distribution to the ten State Universities. As of this time, only 60 of these units remain. These fax machines are from 1-5 years old and are in good working order. They come boxed with a users manual, but no toner cartridge. There is no warranty on these models. The only charges we will incur is to have them shipped from Orlando to Gainesville.
Interested departments should e-mail their request to Central Purchasing to the attention of Donna Doty at “DDOTY@NERVM.NERDC.UFL.EDU” by FRIDAY, AUGUST, 15 at 5 P.M. We must let the Board of Regents Office know how many we would like as soon as possible as this is a “first come, first served” opportunity.
No phone calls will be accepted for this offer, so please e-mail your request as soon as possible.
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