Expanded Travel Clinic Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff Anticipating International Travel
Michael Huey, M.D., Director, Student Health Care Center Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Community Health and Family Medicine
The Student Health Care Center (SHCC) is pleased to announce that its Travel Clinic is now available to University of Florida students, faculty and staff. While the SHCC has offered travel immunizations and general health counseling for students participating in international travel for several years, the addition of services for faculty and staff is new for Fall 1997.
There will be a fee-for-service charge for faculty and staff receiving individualized travel plans and health counseling. Fees for medications and immunizations recommended for faculty and staff are in keeping with community rates. Students receive Travel Clinic services for free, as part of their Health Fee. Medications and immunizations for students are also subsidized by the Health Fee and are thus below community rates.
The SHCC Travel Clinic will see students, faculty and staff by appointment only. During the Fall Semester clinic hours are Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. If patient volume warrants, it is anticipated that clinic hours will be expanded to three half-days in the Spring 1998 Semester.
Call 392-1161 ext. 4930 to make an appointment at the Travel Clinic. International travel often requires early immunizations to afford the greatest protection to an individual’s health. With this in mind, we encourage any students, faculty and staff planning international travel to make an early appointment.
I have enclosed a few informational flyers announcing the Travel Clinic at Student Health that you can post in strategic locations in your College or Department. I would also appreciate your announcing these expanded services to your faculty and staff. While our primary mission at the Student Health Care Center is to provide health services to university students, I am pleased to be able to expand this important service to faculty and staff. Please feel free to contact me at the phone number above, or via e-mail at mhuey@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu if you have questions about this new service.
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