Florida Hispanic-Latino(a) Collegiate Forum 1998
Elizabeth Aragon-Duque, M.A.., Assistant Director
Dear Deans and Directors,
For the fourth time in Florida’s History, the University of Florida, Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures is organizing the Florida Hispanic-Latino(a) Collegiate Forum 1998. The Forum provides Latino(a) undergraduates with the vision, training, advocacy, planning and the Internet skills required to succeed In today’s fast pace working environment and to propel Latino(a) students into the next century. The Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures invites you to participate in this statewide event. The conference would not be possible without the enthusiasm, commitment and support of sponsors like you.
The Florida Hispanic-Latino(a) Collegiate Forum 1998 brings together Latino(a) undergraduate students for a three day leadership training conference to be held at the University Centre Hotel in Gainesville, Friday, April 3, Saturday, April 4 and Sunday, April 5, 1998. This year’s theme is: “Juntos Venciendo Barreras” (overcoming Barriers Together”).
I would like to ask for your support in sponsoring one , or more University of Florida students. The registration fee is $30.00 per student after March 15, the registration will be $40. Individuals, associations, departments, businesses, and organizations that sponsor the Forum will be advertised in the program. Remember that your contribution is tax deductible. Past sponsors include: US Air Force, Proctor & Gamble, Fannie, Mae, Emiliano’s Cafe, ALA Environmental Inc., UEPA, HSA, Dr. Carlos Hernandez, and more.
Enclosed for your convenience, you will find our brochure and the official cosponsor form. If you have any questions regarding the Florida Hispanic-Latino(a) Collegiate Forum 1998, please contact me, Elizabeth Aragon-Duque, (352) 846-0405, fax (352) 846-3005, e-mail: elizabeth-aragon-duque@sfa.ufl.edu . Thank you for your support in providing this opportunity to UF students. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Elizabeth Aragon-Duque, M.A. Assistant Director
Office for Student Services1504 W. University Avenue
Institute of Hispanic-Latino CulturesGainesville, FL 32603
(904) 846-0405
TDD (904) 392-3008
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