Official Business Permits

Published: February 19th, 1998

Category: Memos

Greg DuBois, Director, Parking Administrative Services

Official Business Permits will expire on May 1, 1998. In order to ensure prompt issuance of OB Permits to your office; please submit the enclosed application as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need additional Official Business Permits in the future please contact Lacinda Richardson at 392-2241.

Official Business Permit Issuance Policy

Official Business Permits are issued to departments and other administrative units as approved by Parking Administrative Services to allow automobile access to areas of campus for work related business. These permits are not for individual use on an extended basis, nor are they to be used to provide convenience parking for which the individual is not eligible (i.e. parking in a restricted area with a commuter decal). Additionally, Official Business Permits allow parking in services drives for loading/unloading or dropping off materials. Service drive parking is limited to one hour and should not be used to attend meetings, etc. Official Business Permits can also be issued to student organizations when approved by Parking Administrative Services for conducting student organizational business. These permits are not to be used to park in restricted areas while attending class.

All departments/units requesting Official Business Permits will be required to complete the enclosed application form. Permits will be approved and issued based on a demonstrated need by the requesting agency. Approval will be for a two-year period, at which time a new application will be required.

The following conditions will be used by Parking Administrative Services when reviewing requests for an Official Business Permit.

  • What business purpose exists requiring the use of an Official Business Permit?
  • Is a state vehicle available for use?
  • Are destination(s) out of reasonable walking distance (approximately 10 minutes)?
  • Is the primary office location off the main campus?
  • If transporting materials, can alternate delivery means by used (i.e. walking, carting, courier service, campus mail, etc.)
  • Would an Official Business Parking Decal be more appropriate?
  • How many people need the use the permit?
  • Is service drive access needed?

The unit’s justification should address as many of these questions as possible. Any other justification that is deemed appropriate should also be included.

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