Payroll Schedule for Fiscal Year 1998-1999

Published: March 13th, 1998

Category: Memos

John P. Kruczek, University Controller

A schedule of paydays and critical dates for fiscal year 1998-99 follows:

                          ALL PRIOR        ON-LINE
PAY         PAY           PAPER            CERTS
NUMBER     DATES          PAYROLL          10 A.M.           PAYDAY

53    06/12 - 06/25/98    06/19/98(Fri.)   06/23/98(Tues.)  07/02/98(Thurs.)
54    06/26 - 07/09/98    07/07/98         07/09/98         07/17/98
55    07/10 - 07/23/98    07/21/98         07/23/98         07/31/98****
56    07/24 - 08/06/98    08/04/98         08/06/98         08/14/98
57    08/07 - 08/20/98    08/18/98         08/20/98         08/28/98
58    08/21 - 09/03/98    08/28/98(Fri.)   09/01/98(Tues.)  09/11/98**
59    09/04 - 09/17/98    09/15/98         09/17/98         09/25/98
60    09/18 - 10/01/98    09/29/98         10/01/98         10/09/98
61    10/02 - 10/15/98    10/13/98         10/15/98         10/23/98
62    10/16 - 10/29/98    10/27/98         10/29/98         11/06/98
63    10/30 - 11/12/98    11/09/98(Mon.)   11/12/98         11/20/98
64    11/13 - 11/26/98    11/20/98(Fri.)   11/24/98(Tues.)  12/04/98
65    11/27 - 12/10/98    12/08/98         12/10/98         12/18/98
66    12/11 - 12/24/98    12/16/98(Wed.)   12/18/98(Fri.)   12/31/98****(Thurs.)
67    12/25 - 01/07/99    01/05/99         01/07/99         01/15/99
68    01/08 - 01/21/99    01/19/99         01/21/99         01/29/99
69    01/22 - 02/04/99    02/02/99         02/04/99         02/12/99
70    02/05 - 02/18/99    02/16/99         02/18/99         02/26/99
71    02/19 - 03/04/99    03/02/99         03/04/99         03/12/99
72    03/05 - 03/18/99    03/16/99         03/18/99         03/26/99
73    03/19 - 04/01/99    03/30/99         04/01/99         04/09/99
74    04/02 - 04/15/99    04/13/99         04/15/99         04/23/99***
75    04/16 - 04/29/99    04/27/99         04/29/99         05/07/99
76    04/30 - 05/13/99    05/11/99         05/13/99         05/21/99
77    05/14 - 05/27/99    05/21/99(Fri.)   05/25/99(Tues.)  06/04/99
78    05/28 - 06/10/99    06/08/99         06/10/99         06/18/99
01    06/11 - 06/24/99    06/18/99(Fri.)   06/22/99(Tues.)  07/02/99

Please share this payroll schedule with those staff in your department who are responsible for preparation of the bi-weekly payroll. You may contact Ms. Lyndol Slaughter in University Payroll Services at 2-1231 if you have questions or need additional assistance.

** Begin 16 biweekly fringe benefit deductions
*** End 16 biweekly fringe benefit deductions
**** Only Fringe Benefit deductions scheduled to be taken 26 times a year will be taken
You will be notified if this schedule changes.
BOLD indicates change from regular payroll processing.

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