Annual Contract for George A. Smathers Libraries Photocopy and Printing Services

Published: May 19th, 1998

Category: Memos

Emily J. Hamby C.P.M., Director of Purchasing


In an effort to obtain the best prices possible for the all the libraries at the University, the Purchasing Division has completed Request for Proposal 98P-68.

The RFP has resulted in an Annual Contract with Xerox Business Services who will provide photocopy service at the libraries. If you are requesting copy cards on the contract please enter the above RFP number on your requisition.

This contract is effective from May 1, 1998 through April 30, 1999 with an option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods from May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000 and May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2001 upon written notice to and written acceptance by the vendor.

    Vendor: Xerox Business ServicesL101A Marston Science LibraryGainesville, FL 32611VF 160468020040
    Contact: Donn Clark(352) 336-4407FAX (352) 336-4398

All questions concerning this contract should be directed to the Purchasing Division, Elmore Hall, Room 102 Attention: Harold King (352) 392-1331 ext. 315.

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