Annual Open Enrollment Period, September 14 – October 16, 1998

Published: September 25th, 1998

Category: Memos

Peter Maren, University Benefits Assistant Director

Benefits open enrollment, the “window of opportunity” every fall for faculty and staff to make changes to their state-sponsored benefits, began on September 14, 1998, and will continue through October 16, 1998. This can be an overwhelming and confusing period of time, with materials coming from several directions. We understand the potential for frustration and plan to do everything within our power to make the experience a positive one.

What Is In The Packets?
By now, each employee should have received two open enrollment packets — one mailed to the home and one to the campus address. The packet from the Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI) which was mailed to the home, contains a summary of the employee’s benefits and a pin number (located at the top of the summary sheet), as well as forms pertinent to state health and life insurance and medical and dependent day care reimbursement accounts. Employees should retain their pin number for verification purposes. The packet regarding supplemental insurance sent to the campus address contains brochures and applications for each of the supplemental insurance plans. Employees who have not received these packets should contact University Benefits or the applicable satellite personnel office for assistance.

Early Response
Please stress to your employees the importance of responding early! Lines are shorter and more time is available to provide the assistance needed. We have been advised by DSGI that there will be no extensions to this open enrollment period. Transactions received after the deadline, unless postmarked by October 16, 1998, will not be accepted or processed.

Verification of Enrollment Decisions
Verification letters will not be sent; however, employees may verify their state-sponsored benefits after November 23, 1998, by contacting DSGI at 1-800-226-3734 or by visiting the DSGI Internet web site:

No Changes
Employees choosing not to make changes should be aware that neither reimbursement accounts nor pretax premium waivers “roll over” from calendar year to calendar year. New enrollments in these programs must be completed each year during the open enrollment period. All other pretax programs, including health insurance programs, state life insurance, and all supplemental plans, will continue until changed or canceled — no renewal forms are necessary.

Reimbursement Account Renewal
In addition to the open enrollment packets, employees who have a reimbursement account for 1998 have been sent by DSGI an enrollment form and a letter reminding them that they must re-enroll for the 1999 calendar year. This new enrollment must include a list of dependents for whom claims may be filed. Please encourage employees to send or bring reimbursement account forms to University Benefits or to the appropriate satellite office rather than sending them directly back to DSGI. This will allow us to retain a copy for the benefits file and also audit enrollment to ensure the appropriate deduction(s) will be taken. If an employee already has submitted this form to DSGI, please forward a copy to University Benefits.

On-line Open Enrollment
Please note that the feedback we have received thus far with reference to on-line open enrollment via the Internet has not been positive. Therefore, we encourage you and your employees to manually complete all open enrollment transactions.

Where to Go For Help
Contact University Benefits or the applicable satellite personnel office for assistance. We wish you a frustration-free open enrollment!

University Benefits Office
422 Stadium West / PO Box 115007

E&G/AUX Personnel
B71 JWRU / PO Box 118505

Health Center Personnel
Rm H8 / PO Box 100346

IFAS Personnel
G025 McCarty / PO Box 110130

PPD Personnel
Rm 106 Bldg 702 / PO Box 117700

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