New Year Blankets and Maintenance Agreements
Emily J. Hamby, C.P.M., Director
In mid-June blanket requisitions that were entered on the electronic requisition system during 1998-99 on state, auxiliary or local funds will appear on level 1 browse screen and highlighted as new requisitions. The departments may change anything other than the Requisition number and must change the dates on the blankets then forward to Purchasing beginning June 29. You may delete any requisition not needed in the new fiscal year. Requisitions originally submitted on paper and contract and grant accounts will not be effected.
Requisitions with attachments, such as a contract or sole source, may be submitted on (PUR 300) with an annotation of “FY1999-2000”.
Keep in mind the following:
- Annual needs should be assessed and the full amount encumbered when budgets will allow. Blankets should not be opened for less than $200.
- Blankets approved at times other than early July will begin the first day they are approved.
- The State University’s new Purchasing system, TOPAS, will not be implemented until October 1, 1999.
- Blankets for grants will be issued for twelve months. Short extensions may be allowed. Grant blankets will not be extended for multiple years due to problems in Purchasing and Disbursement Services in filing and processing change orders.
If you have any questions, please call your appropriate Purchasing Office.
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