Cash Expense Refunds
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
As of July 1, 1999, all Cash Expense Refunds should be sent directly to University Financial Services at P.O. Box 114050 (S-113 Criser Hall). Cash Expense Refunds should not be sent to University Disbursement Services. University Disbursement Services personnel will be happy to assist you with information on completing the form. Please remember to obtain approval from Contract & Grant Accounting Services before submitting Cash Expense Refunds to University Financial Services for restricted grants.
Travel Advances should be settled with University Travel Services prior to transmittal of the related Cash Expense Refund to University Financial Services. Following the deposit, please forward a copy of the bank receipt to the Travel Office to be filed with your cash advance settlement records.
If you have any questions, please call Pam Woods in University Disbursement Services at 392-1241 and Monica Thames in Travel at 392-1245.
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