Notice of Change in Proposed Rules

Published: September 16th, 1999

Category: Memos

Pamela J. Bernard

Notice of Change in Proposed Rules

Rule 6C1-3.047Administrative Affairs; University Support Personnel System; Disciplinary Procedures
Rule 6C1-3.051 Administrative Affairs; University Grievance Procedures for Administrative and Professional Staff Members: General Information, Definitions, Resort to Other Procedures, Time Limits and Procedure
Rule 6C1-3.056 Administrative Affairs; Resignation and Non-reappointment of Administrative and Professional Staff
Rule 6C1-3.059 Administrative Affairs; Pay Upon Appointment; University Support Personnel System Employees
Rule 6C1-4.004 Student Affairs; Social Fraternities and Sororities
Rule 6C1-4.006 Student Affairs; Commercial Activity; Selling of Merchandise, Activities Involving Off-Campus Vendors
Rule 6C1-4.016 Student Affairs; Student Conduct Code; Violations, Penalties and Procedures for Adjudication
Rule 6C1-4.0162 Student Affairs; Student Conduct Code; Immediate Suspension Pending Hearing
Rule 6C1-4.021 Student Affairs: Residence Hall Conduct Hearing Authorities
Rule 6C1-4.036Student Affairs; Involuntary Withdrawal

Attached is a copy of the Notice of Change for the above-mentioned rules which were proposed for adoption or revision by the University. The changes were made in response to comments from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. Please distribute and post the notice upon receipt.


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