Addendum: Appointment of Records Management Coordinators
David R. Colburn, Interim Dean
To assist the university Records Management Office in carrying out its duties, we are asking each college, administrative department, and vice-presidential area to appoint a Records Management Coordinator (RMC) to serve as a point of contact between the Records Management Office and the various departments, centers, and administrative units within their college/department/area. The primary purpose of this position is to foster communication and cooperation between the Records Management Office and the numerous departments/offices/units within the University of Florida. These coordinators will serve as a critical link in making the services of the university records management program more visible to administrative staff. This will provide additional professional development opportunities through records management training, technical assistance, and up-to-date knowledge of current policies, guidelines, and law with regard to a variety of records management issues.
There are a number of individuals that have already been serving in the capacity of Records Management Coordinator in their college/department for a number of years and several that have been identified through the process of distributing the new UF General Records Schedules. These individuals will be contacted by the Records Management Office and encouraged to fill out the Letter of Appointment Form included below.
Please visit to find a letter of Appointment Form and additional Records Management Coordinator information explaining the selection, appointment, and responsibilities of these individuals, as well as the university’s records management program. This information also includes a list of university organizational units which should appoint a Records Management Coordinator. Please refer any questions regarding this memo or the web pages to Will Henson, Director of Records Management, 238 Tigert Hall, Box 113175. He can also be reached at 392-4180 or I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
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