University Senate Agenda

Published: January 20th, 2000

Category: Memos

David R. Colburn, Interim Provost

January 27, 2000 3:00-5:00 p.m.
282 Reitz Union

Approval of minutes of December 16, 1999 University Senate meeting

Administrators’ Reports (President Young, Provost Colburn)

Information items:
-Report from the University Curriculum Committee (Sheila Dickison, Chair)
-Name change for Afro-American Studies program
-Combined JD in law/Ph.D in medicine

Faculty salaries (James Pettigrew, Chair, Senate Steering Committee)

Faculty involvement in presidential search (James Pettigrew)

Faculty response to One Florida initiative (Joseph DiPietro, Chair, Council on Affirmative Action)

UF Constitution review (Kim Tanzer, Chair, Faculty Academic Advisory Council)

Graduate and professional student health insurance (A. J. Layon, Professor, Anesthesiology, Surgery and Medicine)

Action items:

For more information on Senate agendas, minutes or committee information, please visit or contact Rick Ragan (, 392-1361, ext. 7302)

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