Nominations for Mortar Board

Published: February 7th, 2000

Category: Memos

Helen Mamarchev, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs Slade V. Dukes, Vice-President, Trianon Chapter of Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society

The University of Florida’s Trianon Chapter of Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society invites you to suggest to all interested students to complete an information sheet located at Reitz Union Student Activities Center, next to the receptionist’s desk.

Mortar Board recognizes students who have achieved excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service at the University of Florida. As a senior honor society, all Mortar Board members are new each academic year. Officers and committee chairs are selected from this new group of leaders at the first official meeting. This provides a unique opportunity for campus leaders to join together during their senior year, create a mission for the year’s activities, and determine the legacy they want to leave for the next senior class.

As a member, you are one of 50 members selected each academic year. Mortar Board Trianon has had a long history at the University of Florida, including hosting Sounds of the Season, dinner at the University President’s house, participating in service and social activities, and much more. Members are expected to be active participants in Mortar Board, which includes attending bi-monthly meetings.

Mortar Board recommends that all potential members be enrolled in their junior or senior year and graduating no earlier than December 2000. Potential applicants must also carry a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average. We invite all interested students to attend our Mortar Board Honors Forum on February 8, 2000 at 7:30 PM in the Reitz Union Auditorium. All interested students are encouraged to attend in order to clarify any question. If you cannot attend, you can obtain an information form from the Reitz Union Student Activities Center. Information forms, which double as applications, are due by 4:00 PM Friday, February 18, 2000 along with a $15.00 check for processing fees. The forms and checks can be turned in at the Reitz Union Student Activities Center. If you have any questions, please email Ann Mallak, membership chairperson, at We look forward to meeting prospective students.

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