Tuition Payment Eligibility Dates for Graduate Assistant Appointments for the 2000-2001 Academic Year

Published: March 22nd, 2000

Category: Memos

Nancy Paris, Administrative Assistant

Eligibility dates for tuition payments for graduate assistants will be based on the duties of the employee. Assistants hired for teaching, i.e., Graduate Assistant -T, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Graduate Teaching Associate, and Senior Graduate Teaching Associate, must be employed at least the following dates:

Fall Term – 2000
08/16/2000 – 12/19/2000

Spring Term – 2001
12/29/2000 – 05/03/2001

Assistants hired for research, i.e., Graduate Assistant-R, Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Research Associate, and Senior Graduate Research Associate, as well as those hired as graders or lab assistants for a course, i.e., Graduate Assistant – G, must be employed at least the following dates:

Fall Term – 2000
08/23/2000 – 12/19/2000

Spring Term – 2001
01/05/2001 – 05/03/2001

This does not restrict a department/unit from appointing an individual in any of the above categories for additional days each term, up to and including the dates listed below. Departments are encouraged to begin employment for graduate assistants as soon as they arrive on campus or on the first day of the contractual period for the semester, whichever is later, rather than start them on the first day of eligibility for the tuition payment. Consideration should also be given to offering appointments for the entire academic year, as funding permits.

Fall Term – 2000
08/11/2000 – 12/21/2000

Spring Term – 2001
12/22/2000 – 05/10/2001

The following dates are to be used for Summer term to establish eligibility for tuition payments for all graduate assistantships:

Term A – 2001
05/11/2001 – 06/26/2001

Term B – 2001
06/27/2001 – 08/09/2001

Term C – 2001
05/11/2001 – 08/09/2001

For a pre-doctoral fellow to be eligible for a tuition payment s/he must receive at least $3,150 per semester ($1575 for summer A or B only) and be registered for the minimum hours required for the fellowship appointment. 12 hours are required per semester fall and spring, 8 hours summer C, and 4 hours for summer A or B only.

You are reminded to consult the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Regents and Graduate Assistants United for important dates and elements of the contract. The agreement can be found at the following Web address: _contents.asp

If you have questions about these procedures or need further assistance, please e-mail Nancy Paris ( Thanks.

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