Student Tuition and Fees, Fall 2000

Published: July 24th, 2000

Category: Memos

John P. Kruczek, University Controller

This memorandum is provided to inform faculty and staff of tuition and fees effective Fall Semester, 2000. As a reminder to departments, students will not receive a tuition fee bill. Students may determine their tuition debt by calling Telegator (37-GATOR), accessing ISIS on the UF Home Page on the world wide web ( via PC or kiosk, or using the self-serve terminals in the University Financial Services lobby at S 113 Criser.

The Fall 2000 fees are shown in comparison to Fall 1999 fees.

2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
Matriculation $51.79 $49.33 $124.61 $118.68 $141.62 $134.88
Building 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32
Capital Improvement Trust Fund 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44
Student Financial Aid 2.58 2.46 6.23 5.93 7.08 6.74
Activity and Service 7.58 7.43 7.58 7.43 7.58 7.43
Athletic 1.90 1.70 1.90 1.70 1.90 1.70
Health 6.59 5.70 6.59 5.70 6.59 5.70
Resident Tuition Per Credit Hour 75.20 71.38 151.67 144.20 169.53 161.21
Non-Resident 232.95 221.86   360.73 343.56   375.74 357.85
Non-Resident Student Financial Aid 11.64 11.09 18.03 17.17 18.78 17.89
Non-Resident Tuition Per Credit Hour $319.79 $304.33 $530.43 $504.93 $564.05 $536.95

Pursuant to Section 240.124,F.S., each student enrolled in the same undergraduate course more than twice shall be assessed an extra $186.26 per credit hour in addition to the fees outlined above for each such course.

Medical, Dental and Veterinary Medicine students are assessed tuition and fees for the academic year which are payable in two installments, in the Fall and in the Spring.

The fee structure for Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Medicine students for Fall 2000 follows:

Matriculation $5,084.08 $10,168.16 $4,420.95 $8,841.90 $3,713.57 $7,427.14
Building 46.40 92.80 46.40 92.80 46.40 92.80
Captial Improvement Trust Fund 48.80 97.60 48.80 97.60 48.80 97.60
Student Financial Aid 254.20 508.40 221.04 442.08 185.67 371.34
Activity and Service 151.60 303.20 151.60 303.20 151.60 303.20
Athletic 38.00 76.00 38.00 76.00 38.00 76.00
Health 131.80 263.60 131.80 263.60 131.80 263.60
Resident Tuition $5,754.88 $11,509.76 $5,058.59 $10,117.18 $4,315.84 $8,631.68
Non-Resident $9,266.79 $18,533.58 $8,058.07 $16,116.14 $6,768.79 $13,537.58
Non-Resident Student Fiancial Aid 463.33 926.66 402.90 805.80 338.43 676.86
Non-Resident Tuition $15,485.00 $30,970.00 $13,519.56 $27,039.12 $11,423.06 $22,846.12

A list of courses with Material and Supply Fees is published in the Fall 2000 Tuition and Fees brochure which will be available in mid-August. If information is needed before then, please contact Diane Hurtak, Accounting Coordinator, at 392-0765, to obtain the list.

The tuition fee information can also be found at on the web.

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