Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Workshops for Faculty and Staff

Published: July 19th, 2000

Category: Memos

Chuck Frazier, Vice Provost

Several workshops have been set up again this year to discuss preparation of the tenure/promotion forms and the University evaluation process.

Please encourage the attendance of those who will be preparing packets this year, members of this year’s college/unit review boards, new hires, and other interested faculty who may be going through the process in the near future.

This year’s workshop schedule is listed below. Janet Malphurs (392-1251) will be happy to answer any questions you may have and, of course, I will be available too at 392-1301 or email at frazier@aa.ufl.edu

July 27, 2000 2:00 – 3:30 PM Medical Science Bldg Auditorium
August 25, 2000 2:00 – 3:30 PM 282 Reitz Union
August 31, 2000 2:00 – 3:30 PM 282 Reitz Union

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