USPS Performance Appraisals

Published: September 18th, 2000

Category: Memos

Larry T. Ellis, Director

Providing formal and timely feedback to employees is a key component of the University Support Personnel System (USPS) performance appraisal process. So, in keeping with that goal, we are revising existing processes to more specifically follow established University of Florida and State University System (SUS) policies.

As you may know, performance appraisals are due 30 days after the conclusion of an employee’s appraisal period—for your convenience, this due date is printed on each performance appraisal distributed across campus. Historically, it has been University Personnel Services’ practice to continue to accept performance appraisals for an additional 30 days following that due date.

Starting January 1, 2001, however—in an effort to ensure consistency with university and SUS rules—USPS performance appraisals will be accepted only up to or on the due date specified on the appraisal form.

In keeping with current practice, in the absence of an appraisal or in the event one is not submitted timely, permanent employees will continue to retain the previous year’s rating and probationary employees will default to an “achieves” performance standard rating. Each performance appraisal is distributed during a two-week window around the employee’s appraisal period end date.

For more information, please contact Brenda Tieden at 392-6615, SC 622-6615, TDD 392-7734, or send e-mail to

Questions related to performance appraisals also may be addressed to the appropriate personnel satellite office on campus:

  • For Education and General and Auxiliary units, contact Jo Ann Davis at 392-6615, SC 622-6615, TDD 392-7734, or send e-mail to
  • For the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, contact Susan Hudson at 392-4777, SC 622-4777, TDD 392-7734, or send e-mail to
  • For Health Affairs, contact Dolly Haertling at 392-3786, SC 622-3786, TDD 392-7734, or send e-mail to
  • For the Physical Plant Division, contact Sherry Larson at 392-2333, SC 622-2333, TDD 392-7734, or send e-mail to

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause—and we hope you share in our belief that this change is in line with our overall goal of providing timely feedback to USPS employees.

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