Change in Management and Administration Operations of University Auditorium
David R. Colburn, Provost
Please note that the management and administrative operations of the University Auditorium has been transferred from the President’s Office to the University of Florida Performing Arts (UFPA). Updated operational guidelines and procedures are being established for use of, and access to, the Auditorium proper, the Friends of Music Room and adjacent spaces.
Dr. Michael Blachly (Associate Dean for Arts Resources and Services for the College of Fine Arts and the Director of the University of Florida Performing Arts), along with his staff, the College of Fine Arts, the Student Activities Office, and the Provost’s Office will be establishing the operational guidelines prior to being forwarded to the Presidents Advisory Committee on Policy and Operations for the final campus approval. These guidelines will be effective at the beginning of the Fall Semester, 2001.
University of Florida Performing Arts will be responsible for the security and staffing of the building, as well as the operation of the facility for public programs, campus-wide meetings, convocations, commencements and academic classes, as scheduled.
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