Computer Challenge

Published: October 12th, 2001

Category: Memos

Charles Frazier, Vice Provost

UF employees can benefit by improving their computer skills when they take advantage of the university’s new Computer Challenge initiative.

The Computer Challenge is a coordinated approach to computer training opportunities available to UF faculty and staff. It provides employees with a roadmap to help them decide what training to take in order to improve their computer skills-as well as where on campus that training is available. Certificates are offered when certain tracks of training are completed. Available courses range from hands-on, instructor-led workshops available at locations across campus to interactive online courses.

The very first certificates under the Computer Challenge will be awarded at an upcoming Computer Challenge Day. This event, scheduled for Oct. 18 from 10:30 a.m. to noon, will be held in Room 282 of the J. Wayne Reitz Union. Reservations are not required to attend, and those employees who are interested in learning more about the Computer Challenge are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please consider sending a representative to this event to collect information to share with faculty and staff in your department. Those employees who have completed certificates will be recognized at the event and will be invited directly to attend.

The Center for Instructional Technology and Training, University Personnel Services, and other campus computing resources, including CIRCA, DOCE, NERDC, and the Health Science Center, offer courses under the Computer Challenge. NETg courses also are included in the Challenge.

For more information about the Computer Challenge, see or contact Training and Development, University Personnel Services, at, (352) 392-4626.

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