Vehicle & Vessel Tags/Registrations, Voyager Gasoline Cards

Published: October 29th, 2001

Category: Memos

John Kruczek, University Controller

Due to a reorganization of the Insurance Coordinator position, some of the duties previously performed by that position have now been transferred to the Accounting Controls Department of Finance and Accounting. These duties include: processing vehicle registrations/titles, vessel registrations and the Voyager Gasoline charge cards.

These duties will now be the responsibility of Don Clanton, Senior Accountant, Accounting Controls. If you have any questions on this matter please contact Don, or Assistant Controller Kathleen Tillett. They can be contacted at:

Accounting Controls
306 Yon Hall
P.O. Box 112008
Gainesville, FL 32611-2008
Telephone (352) 392-2441
Fax: (352) 846-3576

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