Hall of Fame Selection Review Committee
Norbert Dunkel, Director
The Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Jim Scott, has asked me to serve as chairperson for a special committee to review the University of Florida¹s Who¹s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities and the UF Hall of Fame award programs. Annually, the University of Florida recognizes up to 99 students who receive the UF Who¹s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities for their excellence in academics, campus and community service, and leadership. Additionally, approximately 20 of the students receiving the Who¹s Who Award are further selected into the UF Hall of Fame. These students are recognized for their superior academic and student life involvement.
Specifically, the committee will review the application process, the selection committee make-up, the selection criteria, and recognition activities for the award recipients. If you have any information regarding these award programs that you would like the committee to consider, please send your comments to me. All comments can be sent to Norbert W. Dunkel, Director of Housing, PO 112100, or e-mail to norbd@housing.ufl.edu. All comments should be received prior to 4:30 pm, Monday, January 14, 2002.
Comments are currently closed.