Campus Alcohol Committee Report
James E. Scott, Vice President for Student Affairs
One of the most difficult issues currently being addressed in higher education is alcohol abuse and its effect on our primary mission – excellence in education. The UF Committee on Alcohol and Other Drug Education and Policy is made up of UF faculty, staff and students. They have been meeting since March 2000 to discuss student wellness, alcohol use by our students, how to better address risk behaviors associated with alcohol and other drugs and alcohol abuse as a health and safety issue. The Committee has a web site that can be used as a reference by interested faculty, staff and students, The web site contains links to UF Alcohol Policies, reports and references used by the Alcohol Committee and links to all campus resources.
A 2000 National College Health Assessment report showed that UF students have had a 6% total reduction in binge drinking rates over the past year. Concern about student health and safety will always be an issue at UF. Alcohol abuse as it relates to students’ wellness and safety needs to be discussed and addressed by the whole campus: students, faculty and staff. The UF Alcohol Committee will continue working toward a safer campus for our students as stated in its missions statement: In support of an environment that promotes student wellness by providing leadership and coordinating multidisciplinary efforts, to promote healthy choices concerning alcohol and other drug issues on campus. For further information about this message, please contact committee chair Lohse Beeland at, 392-1674.
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