Certificate In New Venture Planning
Arnie Heggestad, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
A new certificate program sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) has been instituted and will begin in the Fall of 2002. Participants in the program will learn how to develop a thorough, professional business plan for a new venture. The program is limited to 50 students. Eligible students include all graduate business students from the Warrington College of Business as well as campus-wide Entrepreneurial Fellows and faculty. To be admitted as an Entrepreneurial Fellow or faculty member, the student must contribute a venture idea that will serve as a basis for a business plan.
The class will be separated into teams each consisting of no more than three students. Student teams will have access to a great deal of support and educational material during their time in the program. Instruction will come from both academic and clinical faculty. Specialized advice from professionals will be available. Each team will have a coach, a proven entrepreneur, who will meet weekly with the team and assist them through the courses.
The program consists of two courses, Fall and Spring. Each course is four credits for undergraduates, or two credits for graduate work. There will be one formal class per week in each of the course sections. During the Fall each class will comprise a presentation by a professor, by a successful entrepreneur, or by a service professional on aspects of entrepreneurship and components of building a plan. In addition, each team must meet with their coach at least once each week to evaluate process and set goals for the following week. The grade in the course will be determined by progress toward established goals.
For further information, please call 392.2610 or visit www.ufventure.com
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