Fall 2003 New Graduate Student Orientation
David R. Colburn, Provost and Senior Vice Presiden
The Fall 2003 university-wide orientations for new graduate students are offered by the Graduate School in cooperation with the Academic Technology, UF International Center, Academic Spoken English, and Scholarly Writing. In addition to formal presentations, representatives from other UF offices will be available to provide additional information and conduct business.
These events should be considered mandatory for new students. Please note the schedule below and direct your new students to the appropriate orientation sessions. Department and college orientations should be scheduled so as not to conflict with the university orientation. Students admitted for the previous Spring or Summer terms should be encouraged to attend.
Additional information will be mailed to admitted students by the Graduate School in the summer. Please note in your letter of offer that it will be mailed to their permanent address. If their contact information changes, they should make updates online using ISIS.
The schedule for Graduate Student Orientation is available at http://gradschool.rgp.ufl.edu/pdf/education/gradorientation2003.pdf
Thank you for your assistance.
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