2003-2004 Provost Faculty Fellowship Program
David R. Colburn, Provost
The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce the fourth year of the Provost Faculty Fellowship Program. The program provides an internship experience for faculty members interested in gaining some hands-on experience in university administration. The Provost Fellows work on special projects with the Provost, Vice Provost, or Associate Provosts and also participate in various activities of the office during the semester. These activities include faculty affairs, budget, hiring, and student issues.
The program is available for up to four faculty members at the rank of Associate or Professor level with less than ten years experience. Two fellowships per semester will be available in 2003/2004. The Provost Faculty Fellowship Program does not provide released time from teaching.
Faculty members interested in this program may apply by submitting a two-page, double-spaced statement of interest in the internship and the proposed semester of participation. Applications should also include a brief curriculum vita. Please send the statement and vita to the Provost’s Office in 235 Tigert Hall (PO Box 113175) by May 9, 2003.
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