New Automated Payroll Cost Transfer System

Published: February 13th, 2003

Category: Memos

John P. Kruczek, University Controller

Payroll Cost Transfers reallocate salary charges to correct accounts (organization codes). After extensive testing, Finance and Accounting is pleased to announce the university-wide implementation of the new Automated Payroll Cost Transfer System (System). The System is a web-based tool that allows for the transfer of payroll costs for the current and prior fiscal years, replaces current paper forms, draws information directly from the payroll history and automatically updates the FLAIR accounting system. Departments will have the ability to input transfers daily, decreasing processing time. The ability to view these transactions on-line will reduce reliance on the distribution of paper reports such as Departmental Ledgers and Cost Distribution Registers.

University Payroll Services will process all transfers that have already been submitted on paper; however, paper requests received after March 7, 2003 will be returned to the department for on-line automated processing. We encourage departmental personnel to sign up using the Administrative Applications Menu ( and request application access to the “Cost Transfer Functions” (1053). System access is controlled by authority code. The System will not allow the “preparer” and the “approver” to be the same person for a cost transfer. The “approver” function of cost transfers is limited to Department Heads or designees. Delegation requests must be made in the form of a letter or an e-mail to one of the contacts listed below. All cost transfers affecting grants or contracts require at a minimum, review by the principal investigator.

University Payroll Services provided campus-wide training in November and December. More training is scheduled in February. Please use the following link to check class availability and to sign up for a cost transfer training class: Training will also be provided periodically as needed. Please contact Linda Bingham ( or Greg McEachern ( at 392-1231 for more details, comments, or questions.

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