Paying International Visitors and Other Workshops
Dennis Jett, Dean of the International Center
Departments often encounter problems when trying to pay an international visitor an honorarium or other amount because of the paperwork involved. UFIC has created a website ( that outlines the steps required to make this process easier (note we did not say easy.) In addition, a workshop on the subject will be held to discuss the visa and tax regulations that can result in significant delays in payments and to answer specific questions on ways to avoid problems.
The workshop will be conducted by staff from the Comptroller’s Office, Tax Services and the International Center and will be held on:
February 17, 3:00-4:00 p.m., in Reitz Union 349.
Other workshops on other topics are planned in response to faculty interest. These have been advertised on the faculty listserve and include:
February 14 – Who has funding and how to find it, DSR and UFIC staff, Reitz Union B74-75
March 21 – Building international partnerships using technology; Partnership in Global Learning, Latin American Studies and Academic Technologies staff, Norman G520
April 25 – Exchange agreements and cooperative agreements, UFIC and IFAS IP staff, Reitz Union B74-75.
All of the workshops start at 3:00 and are open to any interested faculty or staff members.
If there are any further questions on these workshops, please contact Sandra Russo at 392-5834 or
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