University of Florida Rules

Published: February 4th, 2003

Category: Memos

Pamela J. Bernard; Vice President and General Counsel

6C1-1.012 University of Florida; Tuition-Free Courses
6C1-3.0374 Finance and Administration; Material and Supply Fees
6C1-4.003 Student Affairs; Student Organizations
6C1-4.007 Student Affairs; Confidentiality of Student Records
6C1-4.013 Student Affairs; Selection of Remedies in Student Discipline
6C1-4.0162 Student Affairs; Student Conduct Code; Immediate Suspension Pending Hearing
6C1-4.019 Student Affairs; Student Conduct Committee
6C1-4.021 Student Affairs; Residence Hall Conduct Hearing Authorities
6C1-4.0211 Student Affairs; Health Center Student Conduct Standards Committee
6C1-4.022 Student Affairs; Postponement of Disciplinary Hearing Due to Pending or Possible Criminal or Civil Charges
6C1-4.024 Student Affairs; Summary Disciplinary Hearing
6C1-6.015 IFAS; Outside Activity Guidelines

The above-referenced rules as proposed or as proposed to be amended were published in The Gainesville Sun on October 25, 2002. These rule changes in their final form are now effective and have been published on the Academic Affairs website at ules/index.htm


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