Retroactive Payments for Graduate Assistants Who Received the 2.5% Pay Increase for the Spring Semester
David R. Colburn, Provost and Senior Vice President
On January 13, 2003, I sent you a memorandum ( ) that graduate assistants who received pay increases for the spring semester were processed automatically in the personnel/payroll system for the payday of January 24, 2003. The 2.5% increase was effective December 20, 2002 or the start of the graduate assistant’s spring semester contract whichever came first.
It has come to my attention that a significant number of your departments have not processed the necessary paperwork to enable the graduate assistants to receive their retroactive increases. This is in not in the spirit of the agreement that the FBOE entered into with GAU/UFF.
Department contacts will be receiving a copy of this memorandum and a list of affected graduate assistants, and I ask that you inform each office manager that they must submit a Certification for Retroactive Pay Increase Form to the Payroll Office, 107 Tigert Hall, by February 26, 2003.
Please give this your immediate attention. Thank you.
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