Purchasing Card Monthly Reconciliation Reports
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
In an effort to help make the Purchasing Card reconciliation process more efficient, Finance and Accounting has implemented an on-line report (Purchasing Card Paid Aging Report) to be used by Purchasing Card Holders, Reconcilers, and Approvers. The paper report currently being used requires several reams of paper to produce and considerable staff time to distribute. It also delays the reconciliation process 10 days or more. This new on-line method will make these reports available much earlier in the month, typically by the 3rd business day.
The new on-line report will be available for the reporting period ending April 30, 2003 to all Purchasing Card Holders, Reconcilers and Approvers through their Gatorlink access. Those individuals who do not have Gatorlink access will continue to receive the paper reports. Instructions for accessing on-line reports will be sent via e-mail to all participants with Gatorlink email address and via Campus Mail.
If you have any questions regarding this new on-line reporting method, please call or email John Edmands at jedmands@ufl.edu in University Disbursement Services at (352) 392-1241.
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