Campus and BellSouth Gainesville Directory Distribution List

Published: August 5th, 2003

Category: Memos

John Madey, Director, OIT-Telecommunications

OIT-Telecommunications is responsible for the distribution of the University of Florida Campus and BellSouth Directory. Prior to the next delivery, location and directory quantities need to be updated. Please respond to the following questions by August 29th. Individual departments related to the units or buildings listed below will receive their directories through bulk shipments and do not need to respond to this memo — contact the appropriate department to order:

Housing Harold Wheeler 392-6030
Student Gov. (Reitz) Sandy Vernon 392-1665
Shands, 1329, & Med Plaza
Off campus IFAS locations

A. How many employees are currently assigned in your Department? _______________

B. How many of these employees will require a UF directory? ____________________

C. How many BellSouth books _______ and/or BellSouth CD’s do you prefer? _______

Note: UF directories and BellSouth CD’s are unlimited; Bellsouth directories are limited to 1 book per 10 employees. If your department computers are networked you only need one CD per department. CD’s are compatible with Windows 98 and above.

2. Complete the section below to let us know where you would like your directories delivered.

Name of Department ________________________________________

Building Name and Number __________________________________

Room Number _____________________________________________

Name of person to accept delivery _____________________________

Send the completed survey to OIT-Telecommunications, Building 429, Box 112655 or FAX to 392-8701 or e-mail to


______________________________      _____________        ____________________
 PRINT NAME   		             TEL#		  DATE

We appreciate your assistance with this survey. If you have any questions, call OIT-Telecommunications at 392-1146.

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