University Tenure, Permanent Status, and Promotion Nominations, 2004-2005

Published: June 1st, 2004

Category: Memos

David R. Colburn, Provost and Senior Vice President

Faculty members being considered for tenure, permanent status, and/or promotion in the academic year 2004-2005 must receive a copy of this memorandum along with the guidelines in order to prepare their packets. Both documents should also be given to new faculty to help them become familiar with our tenure and promotion process and to aid them in preparing their materials for future consideration. Faculty should be aware, however, that this memo is updated annually to reflect changes as needed.

The following documents are pertinent to the nomination process for the academic year 2004-2005:

1.  Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) 6C1-7.003, 7.010, 7.013, 7.019, for faculty, 6C1-7.025 for P.K. Yonge faculty and IFAS County Extension Agents, and 6C1-6.009 for County Extension Agents.

2.  University Constitution, Article V., Section 5.

A computer listing will be sent to those units/departments that have tenure and permanent status accruing faculty. The listing has the date a faculty member began accruing time towards tenure/permanent status. University Rule 6C1-7.019 specifies that any time a faculty member spends on leave of absence or reduced FTE will not count toward eligibility for tenure except by mutual agreement between the administration and the faculty member. Please notify Janet Malphurs at 392-1251 of any necessary corrections.

The tenure and/or promotion packet must be completed (except for the administrators’ letters) and signed and dated by the nominee before the departmental review and secret ballot to indicate the packet is complete and ready for review. Nominees will need to use the guidelines to prepare their packet with the materials organized in the same order as listed and with numbers and titles as listed. The guidelines can be found at .

Attachment #1 found in the guidelines is to serve as the cover sheet for all packets.

All recommendations must be in the Academic Personnel Office, Room 29, Tigert Hall, by January 10, 2005. IFAS extension agents’ recommendations will be due January 17, 2005. Please schedule college/unit meetings to ensure the meeting of this deadline. College/ department deadlines should be communicated to the faculty as soon as possible.

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