FEMA Disaster Assistance for Homeowners and Renters

Published: September 23rd, 2004

Category: Memos

William Properzio, Director

This notice will call attention to the assistance provided to individual homeowners and renters that suffered property damage during the recent hurricanes. UF administrators are encouraged to distribute this information to their employees.

Various types of assistance are available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in association with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Government disaster assistance covers basic needs only and will not normally compensate you for your entire loss. If you have insurance, the government’s assistance may help pay for basic needs not covered under your insurance policy. Residents should contact their insurance agent first, then, if they have unmet needs, they should call FEMA to apply. Some disaster aid does not have to be paid back, while other types of assistance may come in the form of a loan.

Assistance is available for; Housing Assistance – rental of temporary housing, Repair – repair of damage in excess of insurance coverage, Replacement – replacement of a disaster-damaged home, Other Needs Assistance – money for necessary and serious needs caused by disaster not covered by insurance.

To apply for any of the above call FEMA:

TTY 1-800-462-7585 – for the deaf and hard of hearing

When calling you will be asked for the following information:

*  Address and phone number were you can be reached
*  Social Security Number
*  Current mailing address
*  Date Damage occurred
*  Address of the affected property
*  Brief description of damage
*  Insurance information
*  Family gross income

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