Hurricane Frances Damage Assessment and Reporting

Published: September 8th, 2004

Category: Memos

William Properzio, Director

Hurricane Frances has caused damage to property belonging to the University of Florida both within Alachua County and throughout the state.

Much of the cost to repair our facilities, grounds and equipment may be recovered through existing insurances or under FEMA. In addition, some or all costs of protective measures and labor costs beyond normal operations (e.g. overtime paid to essential staff) may also be recovered. Personal property is not claimable.

Information that will be required for submission of property loss claims include: building number, room number, type of damage (carpet, wall, ceiling), equipment damaged (decal number), cause (rain, wind or flood), digital photo and equipment value. Please start gathering this information.

Recovery of funds expended for labor costs and supplies for storm preparation will require accurate documentation.

Environmental Health and Safety will coordinate the university-wide claim effort. Specific instructions for claim submission and additional information will be posted on the web early next week at:

For questions or additional assistance, please call the Department of Risk Management in the Division of Environmental Health and Safety at 392-7256 or 392-1591.

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